TikTok and Instagram waste 23% of your data rate

Travelers consume an average of 3 GB of data per week at their destination and around 700 Mb is wasted in content not enjoyed because of social networks. According to data from Blink, our clients waste 23% of their data allowance when using Instagram, TikTok or Facebook because these applications preload content with the aim of loading videos in advance and thus retaining the user for as long as possible. within the apps.

The famous infinite scroll is a technique used by web pages and especially social applications to anticipate the user's intention so that the user does not have to wait a second to see new content. The reality is that a large percentage of pre-loaded content is not consumed and that generates unnecessary expense for data franchises. For this reason, it is recommended that if you are traveling and have a rate with limited gigabytes, you only use social networks when you have your smartphone connected to a WiFi network. That way you will prevent your franchise from being consumed sooner. Although we are interested in you spending your data to recharge, we are an honest company that seeks benefit for the user and not exactly improving our income margins.

Unnecessary consumption of energy and network resources

All operators that provide service to Blink make a very significant investment in networks with the aim of being able to absorb the huge amount of data consumed by the large Internet giants. Social networks and streaming platforms consume close to 60% of all the data that passes through the networks. For this reason, you must keep in mind that responsible use of the network is not only important for your pocket, it is also necessary for the balance of telecommunications companies and even nivel medio ambiental since, the greater the use of the network, the greater the energy consumption. What we tell you may seem like a chimera, but if all users are aware of savings in terms of data consumption, we will help the planet and will also prevent companies from having to raise prices to maintain the same quality of service.

Fair Use Policies

Some eSIM providers rely on unlimited data rates with a "Fair use Policy", that is, reasonable use of the network or temporary speed limitation so that excessive data is not consumed. In the case of Blink, we prefer to leave the user absolute freedom to consume data intensively and sell different data packages adapted to the needs of any person. When a traveler arrives at their destination, the first thing they do is communicate on WhatsApp, open Instagram or TikTok, check their email and order an Uber or taxi to go to the hotel. In these first hours, consumption is around 500 megabytes of data on average and from there it drops once the user reaches their destination and has WiFi to browse the Internet. If you make "normal" use of your smartphone, with 3GB weekly data You will have enough, even if you use social networks, but if you are one of the people who spend a lot of time on Instagram or TikTok you should know that you will not enjoy 23% of the data you pay for. They will be "pre-loaded" and will not be consumed later.

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